Early Case Assessments & Analytics
When you need to obtain an immediate view of electronic evidence, cull large document sets, or prioritize a document review, Early Case Assessment (ECA) along with a supporting cast of analytics tools must be employed. Capsicum’s ever-evolving toolkits include Relativity Analytics, a powerful AI engine allowing visualization, conceptual searching, correlation and much more; auto-redaction to automatically note PII, PHI, and other sensitive data types; and video and audio discovery which permit analysis and translation.
Does ECA makes sense for all document sets?
When data volumes balloon, performing an ECA can be time and money well spent. Early Case Assessment solutions allow data in native format to be searched and culled (first) as compared to the long-standing methods of processing load-files and then removing what is not relevant. The result of this change in technology along with process is reduced time and cost, especially in the case of large (multi-terabyte) datasets.
We at Capsicum have expertise in guiding attorneys though effective and efficient electronic discovery protocols which effectuate the most cost-effective outcomes. We strive to reduce processing costs, increase processing speeds and turnaround times, find key evidence all while using court approved e-discovery procedures. Our processes as well as skilled employees, make us a valued partner.
We have seen positive results using ECA as well as other forms of artificial intelligence. A short test on your dataset by Capsicum can answer if ECA is viable for the situation at hand.