
Words from the CEO – Embracing Disruption and Change

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Capsicum Group

Many political pundits say that recent elections were won when candidates listened to what constituents want and then attempted to deliver on those desires – sometimes at a great cost. Contentious campaigns nowadays seem less impactful in an election than listening and actual results. So how are actual results being accomplished?

To accomplish what clients and constituents want, we must listen and do our best to meet their goals. If we open our ears, draw proper inferences, tactically attempt to modify what is perceived as wrong or in need of improvement, and realize what we set out to accomplish may not always be achieved, we too can see new and improved outcomes. Disruption and Change the ingredients for real improvement are at best uncomfortable and sometimes even intimidating.

Disruption and Change in our society are not just about doing things differently. Better, faster, cheaper are a few of the outcomes that we as business owners, lawyers, and technologist desire. Whether it’s an AI chip, robotics, advancement in analytics / correlation / or knowledge engineering, or new regulations for HIPAA these are the goals we seek and the hopes we desire. 

To be successful the process of Disruption and Change requires facilitation, research, planning, deployment, and open mindedness. Sometimes events such World Wars, The Race to the Moon, or a Pandemic create an instinctual need resulting in advancement other times it’s just a good or even bad idea. Whatever inspirations and revolutions occur, keep in mind that our society has not matured from caveman to millennial by simply doing the same old thing. 

Be creative, determined, and embrace Disruption and Change no matter how challenging or uncomfortable it may be. Consider it another form of growing pains. Something we have all experienced, may not enjoy, but pushes us towards advancement.

Best Wishes to all in 2025!